Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Progress Reflection

What is going well?
Being able to plan and think about what we can use to make our costumes out of, as well as starting to make the costumes out of recycled materials. 

What could go better?
Using our time more wisely, in order to be able to make the costumes faster, as we have a deadline inn a few weeks.

What have you started/completed?
We have started with the Queen of Hearts, we have just started to make a panel for her dress, which is made from old plastic bags that  have been sewed together. How we will use this in the costume is  by layering the panels of bags that we have sewn together to get the full effect.

What questions do we need to ask about this?
How are we going to be able to finish all of our costumes on time?
What items are we going to need to make the costumes?
How will we manage ourselves effectively, so that we can make all of the costumes?

Progress Reflection - Petra

1. What is going well? What could go better?
Something that I think is going well is trying to work with others to create the best idea's that we can. I think something that could go better would be to try and create different and more creative design ideas so that we can get started on making the costumes as soon as possible.

2. What have you started? Completed? Next to do?
So far the things that we have started are the indepth planning and desinging of the costumes. Trying to figure out the different materials that we can use and trying to find ways to put them together to show and represent sustainability. Next we need to get more into the practical making of the costumes and start to put things together so that we get a finsihed product.

3. What questopns have you asked, answered, and now need to pursue?
Questions that I have asked have been more around how we can use resources the best possible way to create a good effect for people watching the final show and to show resourcefulness. I have talked to my peers, to Danielle, to my parents and then called some people outside of school to ask for their help in finding resources and creating cool and inspiring idea's. I now need to follow up with people to check on how things are going and get feedback for the different idea's that I have to then refine to make the idea's better.

Week 3 Georgia

We have finalized the costume for Alice and we got the 7 year old girls to let them have an input in the costumes. Things that could have gone better is that we could have spent more time on the mad hatter as we are a little behind on him/her. We probably should have already nearly finished the mad hatter by now but we've spent so much time worrying about Alice that we just haven't come around to it. We had to ask the 7 year olds what kind of taste in cloths they like and we got some different but very clear answers

Progress Reflection

Hey everyone,

Today in big projects we are reflecting on our costume in this big project by answering the following questions.

What is going well? 
My planning is going well because I have a good idea about what I want Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum's costumes to look like. I have gathered materials  for both costumes and I am starting to put together the costumes.

What could go better?
I think I should focus more on my costume than others first before I help others so I know I can finish the costumes before the deadline.

What have I started? Completed? Need to do next?
I have started to make the tops for my characters, so I have gathered the materials and I now need to use the stencils I have created to make the letters of DUM and DEE in white fabric, and then sew the letters onto the tops. I also need to make flax skirts for my characters, so I need to find flax and start weaving. My characters are wearing beanies with DUM and DEE on it also so I am going to look for cheap beanies or ask the actors/actresses if they have any.

What questions have you asked, answered, and need to pursue?
I have asked for help with creating and designing my costumes, I need to ask for more help when I get closer to the deadline so I can finish on time.

Progress Reflection

Progress Reflection 28/10/15

What is going well?
I think that I am going well with collecting the materials that I need for the costume. Also I made lots of progress last week so I am doing well.

What could go better?
I think I need to decide how to make the top of the dress and I haven't done well with that.

What have you started? Completed? Need to do next?
I have started to make the bottom of the dress. I still need to finish making the fans for it and making the shell of the bottom of the dress. Also the top of the dress.

What questions have you asked, answers and now need to pursue?
The questions that I have asked is how will I make this dress look good for two people who are different dress sizes. Also how will I make this top that I am thinking of will look nice on both of the people. So I now need to think of  a different why the top of the dress will look.


Hey everyone,

Today we were asked to answer theses questions!

1. what is going well and what could go better
So far everything is going well I have almost finished my costume. The things that aren't going well is that I can't find a plain white long sleeve top.

2. What have you started? completed? Need to do next?
So far I have started putting together things. And the next thing I need to do is find the remaining things.

3. What questions have you asked, Answered and now need to pursue?
The questions I now need to ask is, How long do I have and How am I going to complete this!

Progress Report

What is going well?

I have finally got a design that I am happy with and am getting ready to start creating. It has taken me a while to get to this stage so I am very happy to be there now.

What could go better?

I have been a bit slow with getting my design ideas together so I am a little bit behind with the creating aspect. I still need to work out how to gather my resources for the costume.

What have you started, completed, need to do?

I have completed the design idea and prototype/model for it. I have started sourcing materials but I need to collect the cardboard boxes I have asked to be put aside for me to use. I need to start the actual making of the costume.

What questions have you asked, answered and now need to pursue?

I have asked all the questions about my costume design so that I know it is going to work out. I think all of these questions were answered. I need to ask questions to myself about how to make this costume very sustainable. I also need to ask guestions to others about how I can source materials and if they can help me.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015



Today for big Projects we started off by playing an activity where we had 12 min to find something recycled around the school then create something with it to put somewhere in our costumes. I found tissues and used them to create a flowers.

I successfully finished my final sketches for my costumes that I started drawing today. What I need to start doing next is to figure out what materials I will be using and where and I can get them. 

Today we worked on Filling out our big project planning sheet.

How am I going? - Petra

I think that some of my weaknesses at the moment is once I have an idea in my head its hard to try ad think of something else. This has been showen with the idea of Alice and how we have been asked to change our design but I now can't think of anything that is too different form our original idea.

One of my strengths at the moment would be my ability to stay on task. Even though it is all very stressful I stay on task and keep working on what we are doing at the time. I belive that this is really important as it means that work gets done and we don't fall behind with what we are doing.

Planning Sheet

Week 1 - Term 4

This week we completed our planning doc and set some dates for when we want things finished.
Our costume ideas we havent finished yet as we have been told by the costumers that they would like the costume to represent a 7 year old girl.
Below is a plan of something that we would like to look further at in terms of costumes for Alice.

For our Mad Hatter idea we have yet to finalise our designs and are planning to get that finished next week so we can then go and find material to start to create the costumes.

Here is the planning doc: