Tuesday 27 October 2015

Progress Reflection - Petra

1. What is going well? What could go better?
Something that I think is going well is trying to work with others to create the best idea's that we can. I think something that could go better would be to try and create different and more creative design ideas so that we can get started on making the costumes as soon as possible.

2. What have you started? Completed? Next to do?
So far the things that we have started are the indepth planning and desinging of the costumes. Trying to figure out the different materials that we can use and trying to find ways to put them together to show and represent sustainability. Next we need to get more into the practical making of the costumes and start to put things together so that we get a finsihed product.

3. What questopns have you asked, answered, and now need to pursue?
Questions that I have asked have been more around how we can use resources the best possible way to create a good effect for people watching the final show and to show resourcefulness. I have talked to my peers, to Danielle, to my parents and then called some people outside of school to ask for their help in finding resources and creating cool and inspiring idea's. I now need to follow up with people to check on how things are going and get feedback for the different idea's that I have to then refine to make the idea's better.

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